Various wedding related commissions I've done over the last year.
PROJECT 1 - Chalkboard
Designed and illustrated an 8ft x 8ft chalkboard wall to be used as a backdrop for the photobooth.
The challenge in this project was working at such a large scale and hand drawing with erasable chalk (chalk markers were not allowed). Since this was my first time working with chalk, I had to do quite a lot of research on how to make sure the chalk would appear highly opaque against the board. I also learned to utilized various materials and techniques to ensure the art would look clean and neat. I had to work within a tight deadline of one day and was able to complete this within 6.5 hours.

Photoshop mock-up

Progress shots - At this point everything was hand drawn.

Finished chalkboard in wedding hall.
Photo booth Polaroids.
PROJECT 2 - Wedding invitations
Designed and illustrated a set of wedding invitations. The challenge in this project was imitating the look of the watercolor using digital brushes. I could've illustrated the flowers with traditional watercolor but working digitally allowed me to arrange each flower individually. Creating two versions of the invitations in two different languages and making sure the whole set unifies as one was also challenging.

1.) Design/Illustration Process 2-3.) Text placement and color variations

Printed set (english version).

Project 3 - Wedding Illustration
A finished and framed illustration for a newly wed couple and their favorite animals.